I have in my possession a GREAT photo of my Dad and Uncle from when they were boys. It belonged to my Grandmother and I have wanted to do something special with it for years. However, anytime I tried to PhotoShop it, my efforts weren't met with much success. I tried it again this week and finally came up with something that worked!
Once I started planning my layout, I realized the scheme I wanted matched up perfectly with the Play Date Cafe challenge this week.
I made two copies of my little framed layout - one for my Dad and one for my Uncle. We go to his (my Uncle's) house each year for Thanksgiving, so I wanted to have the copies ready this time to surprise them. I can't wait to give it to them! :)
Here are the Play Date Challenge colors....

And here is my framed "surprise"....
Apologies for the picture quality; it's not the best.
For the recipe; all products used are Close to my Heart unless otherwise noted.
Striped paper - Sarsasparilla paper kit (retired); Patterned Paper - Passages paper kit (retired); large photo clip from Passages coordinating elements (retired); Mileposts Shapes (seen here); "Live Inspired" stamp set (seen here) (eagle - top right corner, dial - bottom left corner, and postage stamps on kraft Milepost Shape tag); Chocolate waxy flax; Buttons Basic Assortment; natrual twill ribbon; ribbon slide is Hodgepodge Hardware from Stampin' Up!
Thanks for looking! Hope you are having a great Turkey Day Week so far. Travel safely and enjoy your family time! Pin It